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CSI Executive Committee


[2023-06-06] HK Chamber of Security Industry signs an agreement with Portugal Portuguese Safety and Security Association to accelerate deployment of Security Cloud in Portugal


Mr. Johnny Ho, the Chairman of Chamber of Security Industry (CSI) and Mr. Carlos Dias, the President of the Safety and Security Association (APSEI), signed the Agreement on strengthen collaboration in Security Industry (Agreement) on behalf of the CSI and the APSEI at the opening of the Business Trade Mission in Portugal on May 30.

The Agreement confirms that APSEI will support the deployment of Security Cloud, a Location Based Tele-protection & Mobile Patrol Management System, developed by the Chamber of Security Industry (CSI) and funded by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), to the Portuguese security industry. The system, which leverages the latest technology to provide a more advanced security solution, will bring great opportunities for the Portuguese security industry. The two main functions of the Security Cloud System, namely Tele-protection and Supervisory Visit, combined with other functions such as staff management, patrol route management, incident reporting and electronic map tracking, will help improve the efficiency of the security industry, protect the safety of the personnel on duty and saving costs.

In Mr. Ho’s speech at the Agreement signing ceremony, he said that the signing of this Agreement heralded an important new page in the security and technological collaboration between Hong Kong and Portugal. He said, the collaboration will take forward the development of Hong Kong’s security technological innovation, bringing new opportunities for the security and property management sectors in the two areas. At the same time, the CSI and APSEI will serve as a significant bridge in the building of an international security and technological innovation hub in the Great Bay Area and the Europe. Mr. Ho encourage and welcome more top-notch security technology companies and talents to set up office in Hong Kong. The CSI will assist them to enter Hong Kong Science and Technology Park where there are many technology clusters from various industries.

At the ceremony, Mr. Ho also invited Mr. Carols Dias, the President of APSEI to attend the 3rd International Property Management and Procurement Expo in Hong Kong and will be one of the guest speakers on 1st September. He also invited the members of APSEI to join this Expo.

The collaboration between CSI and APSEI will help promoting technological innovation and development in security, and to bring more business opportunities to the industry in both areas.  We look forward to having more fruitful achievements and progress in the exchange activities between the security industry in Portugal and Hong Kong.

CSI Chairman signs agreement in Portugal




[2023-06-06] 保安業商會成功將特區政府資助建立的「保安雲」系統引進葡萄牙


保安業商會主席何啟文先生應APSEI - Associação Portuguesa de Segurança邀請前往葡萄牙出席由Portuguese Safety And Security Association辦的Business Trade Mission國際保安業交流活動。此大型國際交流活動由528日起至61日為期五天,獲邀前往的企業包括香港(Hong Kong)中國大陸(China) 阿拉伯聯合酋長國(United Arab Emirates)及摩洛哥(Morocco)四個地區的保安行業內的領導企業。是次交流活動的主要目的,旨在推廣及宣傳葡萄牙的保安服務及最新科技,主要以香港及中國大陸市場為優先發展目標,同時亦邀請不同國家的先鋒企業參與,互相交流資訊,共同促進發展。

何主席此行向葡萄牙保安業介紹保安雲報更管理系統,該系統由香港保安業商會(CSI)開發並獲得香港政府資訊科技總監辦公室(OGCIO)資助,利用雲端科技,為保安業提供高端的安全保障解決方案。在2023530日的開幕典禮上,何主席代表保安業商會(CSI)Portuguese Safety And Security Association(APSEI)主席Jose Carlos Marques da Costa Dias簽署了合作協議備忘錄,雙方同意將【保安雲】系統引進入葡國的保安行業及物管業。典禮現場已有多家葡國保安公司查詢【保安雲】,並表示希望可盡快使用這套系統管理前線保安工作同時提高保安員安全監察。雙方亦同意共同推動兩地保安業發展,互相支持及協助保安企業參加國際展覽及交流會,提昇行業人才水平。

香港特首李家超上任後的首份施政報告中提出建設一帶一路及國際貿易中心,推動行業內創新科技應用等施政目標。葡萄牙是歐洲其中一個一帶一路參與國家,是次合作將引領香港及歐洲保安企業邁進合作新里程。何主席與多家大型科技創新公司會面,主動邀請對方考慮來香港科學園設立分公司,與香港本地的創科公司合作共同開發新軟件,激發合作火花。其中一家軟件開發公司對此提議十分感興趣,其項目主要針對大型基建的安全監察而研發管理系統。何主席此行亦成功邀請了APSEI的會長Carlos Dias於今年8月底親臨香港參加第三屆國際物業管理及採購博覽,並以嘉賓講者身份向與會者介紹一套自行開發的軟件,此套軟件可廣泛應用在物管業不同區域管理系統內並已在歐洲普遍應用,相信可為香港物管業帶來新的啟發。


CSI Chairman talk at Portugal